Care Wear Patterns: Knit
Knitted Finger Puppet
- Size #1 or #2 needles
- Odd bits of baby yarn or fingering
- Embroidery floss or textile paint
- Cast on 24 stitches using #1 or #2 knitting needles.
- Do 6 rows, beginning each row with purl (P, K, P, K, etc.).
- Change color.
- Do 8 rows beginning each row with K, K, then continue P, K, P, K, etc. to end of row.
- Change back to first color.
- Do 6 rows, beginning each row with purl (P, K, P, K, etc...) to end of row.
- Run single strand of yarn through top of puppet to gather.
- Pull tightly and knot.
- Sew seam down the back of the puppet.
- Add pom-pom or bow on top.
- Embroider or paint on eyes, nose, and mouth.
Shawl Pattern (18" x 44")
Use : 5oz worsted yarn and #15 needles;
Gauge 3 sts = 1", 5 rows = 1"
Directions: Cast on 4 sts. Knit 1 row. Increase 1 st each side 46 times (96 sts on needle). Then increase 1 st each side every second row 22 times (140 sts on needle). Knit 1 row. Bind off loosely.